I would like to start off by discussing the critical roles of the United States president. The United States president plays many important roles in both our society and in the world. He is the head of the executive branch, head of the U.S military, and chief of the government. Any final decisions that have to be made are made by the president. As head of the executive branch the job of the president to approve the laws that congress creates. After both the house and the senate approve the bill, they send it off to the president for approval. If the president agrees with the law then he can sign the bill. which then goes into effect and citizens now have to abide by it. If the president does not like the bill than he can refuse to sign it and this is known as a veto. “If congress feels really strongly about the bill, than they can override the president’s veto with two- thirds vote from congress”.(Read Pg1) Although the president can be overridden, this is rare because great debates go on before the president even sees the bill and most of the time the president will compromise with congress and the bill will go through. Although I believe it would be cool to be able to control the laws that go into effect in the United States, it is scary to think about because it is up to one man to determine how we as Americans live our lives. The president is not only the head of the executive branch but he also the head of the United States military. The president can start war with other countries fairly easily. In order for him to officially declare war, the president must converge with congress and discuss the issue. Once the issue has been discussed, congress can then give their approval and the war will begin. A good example of this was the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After America was attacked by terrorist on September 11th 2001, the president quickly met with congress and then gave the order to start the war against terrorism. This helps to show the immense power of the president and how only several men could end life on this planet as we know it, via nuclear war. This also scares me because the fate of the world can lie in one man’s decision and if the president makes the wrong one, then life as we now it will end. The final role of the president that I would like to discuss is his role as chief of government. This means that the president is the boss of every government worker throughout the United States. He can use this to boost the economy by creating more jobs and projects for government employees to work on. He controls government institutions like the FBI and the CIA. The jobs of millions of people lie in the president’s hands and his decisions directly affect the workers. Overall the president plays many important roles in the United States and people rely on him every day to make important decisions, which will directly affect their lives and the lives of all Americans.
The president of the United States not only controls America but he also has helps to control the global economy. For years the global economy has relied America for global growth. According to the Washington Post article U.S Signals New Era for Global Economy these days are over. “President Obama delivered an unusual warning Wednesday for an American leader: The "voracious" U.S. economy can no longer be the sole engine of global growth. The statement signaled recognition of a new economic era with a less dominant U.S. role”. In the past, the United States has helped many other countries with their struggling economies. One example of this is the Asian crisis in the late 1990’s which spread fear throughout the global economy. America stepped in and helped Asia to recover from this crisis. According to our current president Barack Obama these days are over because America is currently suffering from its own economic crisis. We have turned our attention from helping others in the world with their economies to trying to keep our own economy running. This is important because the United States economy provides the foundation for many other economies around the globe. If our economy crashes, then other economies throughout the world would likely crash as well. The United States is currently in a recession which is lowering consumerism and creating huge losses in American job markets. Since America imports huge quantities of goods from other countries, the loss of consumerism has greatly affected America’s biggest importers like Japan and china. This has hurt their economy as well as our own. Now that Americans have to pay back huge amounts of debt that they have accumulated over decades of spending, it is time for the United States to focus on our own economy. In order to reform both Americas economy and the global economy president Obama said that we must work together “In this relatively new forum, leaders of industrialized powers including the United States, Britain and Japan as well as emerging giants such as China, India and Brazil are grappling together for an answer to the global economic crisis. Nations will produce a communiqué Thursday with a list of carefully worded prescriptions, including the regulation of hedge funds and more rigorous standards for banks, a move to shed light on the secrecy of tax havens, new ways for regulators in different countries to coordinate their oversight and dramatically increased funding for the International Monetary Fund, according to a draft of the agreement”(Fiola Pg1) With the most powerful nations in the world working on this problem Obama hopes that we can reform both the united states economy and the global economy together. This new reformation of the global economy shows the power of the president of the United States and the huge impact that he can have on our global economy. He basically is reforming the way in which the global economy functions as a whole and encouraging the world to work together and overcome this crisis.
The final idea that I would like to discuss is the requirements that one must meet to become a United States president. According to the article Requirements to Become United States President by Pheadra Trethan one must have “nerves of steel, the charisma, the skeleton-free closet, the fund-raising network, the thick skin and the legions of loyal folks who agree with your stance on all the issues.”(Trethan) Not only must you be a strong person but you must meet specific qualifications to even be considered. One qualification that must be met is that you have to be a native born United States citizen, you have to be at least thirty five years of age and one must live in the United States for 14 years. There are many more qualifications that one must have to be a United States president but these are the only ones that are stated in the United States constitution. I would also assume that one must be highly educated, have served in the military, and have worked their way through the political system. Being the United States president is certainly not something everybody can do. People spend their entire lives trying to become president but most never reach their goal. This to me is the hardest job on the planet and probably the hardest job to get on the planet. With this being said, I don’t know if I would ever want to become president of the United States. It appears to be an extremely stressful job and one in which billions of people are relying on you to be good at. This is a lot of pressure put on you all of the time and not to mention the amount of work you must do just to be considered for the job.
Overall the United States presidency is the most powerful job on the planet and is probably one of the most stressful ones on the planet. It has many roles in which you must play, it helps to control the entire global economy, and has a list of requirements as long as your arm. So before you say you want to be president of the United States consider these factors and then make your decision.
Works Cited
Fiola, Anthony. "U.S. Signals New Era for Global Economy." Washington Post 02 Apr. 2009: 1-2. Print.
Hollihan, Thomas A. Uncivil Wars: politcal Campaigns in the Media Age. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St.Martins, 2009. Print.
Read, Harry. "The President of the United States." 03 Jan. 2007. Web. 1 Oct. 2009.
Trethan, Pheadra. "Requirements to Become President." About.com. Web. 1 Oct. 2009.
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